Classroom Management Plan

Classroom management plans are designed to serve as guidelines for the teacher, parents, and students in the classroom and they help to ensure that all parties are on the same page.

Here is an excerpt from my personal classroom management plan:

Click here for a full look at my classroom management plan.

Purpose Statement
Children are the future, and as a teacher, I want to do my best to ensure that my classroom provides every student with an active, creative, and engaging learning environment. I want to stimulate their minds on a daily basis, I want my students to ask questions so that they can  develop a desire for learning and discovery, I want all of my students to have the opportunity to gain the many skills that the arts offer, skills that can be applied throughout their education and into their future, and I also want to offer a classroom where the students view each other as  equals and diversity thrives. This classroom is a place where creative expression lives and each student is celebrated for their unique individualities.

When working with students, it is very important to create an action plan to have on-hand in case of an emergency or extreme classroom disruption. During the first few weeks of school while they are learning the classroom routine it is crucial for the students to know exactly what to do when the action plan is necessary.





Establishing classroom rules that are concise and easy to understand is one of the best ways to promote structure and classroom management in the classroom.